Today for writing we got to watch a music video happier from marshmallow.We have to write about it in the perspective from the dog or the girl.
What do you think you are doing? AHH WHY AM I FLYING?? What did I do? help, oooo a little human girl,what is that in her hand? is it a treat? it's stuck on me it's stuck on me, what is that bright light, whats happening. a couple of years later... BALL BALL BALL! It's a soccer ball play play play! I win because you cuddled me heh heh heh HEY I'M OUTSIDE LET ME IN HELLO OWNER YOU HOW PUT THE BOW ON ME HELLO? finally what took you so long I was lonely out there just so you know. ohhhh i don't fell well ohhh I see the light ohhhh.
I liked the task we did because it was exciting writing the perspective of the dog and watching the music video.
Warning! it's a bit sad.