
Thursday, 27 February 2020

Science blog about heart attacks

- What causes a heart attack? Smoking or old age and when to many of your coronary arteries block up, cholesterol can cause your arteries to close up, causing a heart attack. 
- How do you know you're having one? Shortness of breath or a sharp pain in your chest that can go up to your jaw or neck.
- How could you prevent it? Not smoke and manage your stress levels, this could make your heart pump faster than what it needs to go. Check your blood pressure levels regularly. Limit alcohol if you drink it or don't drink it at all. Eat healthy food, stuff that don't have a lot of sugar in it.

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Friday, 21 February 2020


in math, I created a cube which was color coded, we had to figure out which of the cubes had: 3 sides of the cube can be seen, two sides of the cube can be seen, one side that can be seen and no sides can be seen. the amount of three sides that can be seen is: 8. the amount of two sides that can be seen: 12.
the amount of one sides that can be seen is: 6. the amount of can't be seen sides are: 2. this makes the total mini squares that makes up the cube is: 27.

Wednesday, 19 February 2020


Spirituals songs that are sung from slaves to tell other slaves when its safe or not safe to escape they are also sung to inspire them to keep them motivated.

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Human rights

we are learning about the human rights, the human rights is about what you can and can't do, for example "the right to seek a safe place" you have the right to live in a place to be safe from harm

Monday, 10 February 2020

Critical literacy

when you apply critical literacy to any text this includes: you tube clips, text's, Facebook, newspaper, posters,
Bias: when you choose something over something else.
Source: where you get your information from and/or answers.
Credible: trusted or reliable resource where you got your information from.
Authority: you have the power or other people speak about it.
Reliable: if it is a trustworthy site  or peace of information.
Perspective: something you can see or someones point of view.
Agenda: your intentions on something you want to get done.
Manipulate: change their a pinion or thought to what you want it to be.
Text: something you can get information.
Construction: the start of to a build of something.
Representation: the action of speaking or talking on behalf on someone or country.
Stereotype: a widely held but fixed image or idea of a person or idea.
Inclusion: the action or state of being Included within a group or structure.
Exclusion: the process of excluding or the state of being excluded.
Masculine/Feminine: of or denoting a gender of nouns and adjectives.

Q 1 Inclusion: In whose interest is the text? this includes children and adults depending what type of ad it is, if it was a MacDonald's ad, this would be aimed at children, if it was an alcohol ad, this would be aimed at adults.
Q 2 Inclusion:
Q 3 Inclusion:
Q 4 Inclusion:
Q 5 Exclusion: What does the images suggest? the images exclude what it means, if there is no meaning, then you won't know what it is trying to say.
Q 6 Exclusion:
Q 7 Exclusion:
Q 8 Exclusion:
Q 9  RepresentationIn whose interest is the text? this represents what it means or what has to do with the text, and what stuff has to do with the show or ad.
Q10 Representation:
Q11 Representation:
Q12 Representation:

The stereotype is not the same, the women in the video was loud and she wanted all the attention when in the last video was quite and tried to avoid attention.

when he said you should crash here, my thought was him crashing into the house then replying "iv'e crashed here"

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

My goal for 2020

My goal i'm going to try and do is can tell others the ways how i like to learn and what suits me best
this is how i'm going to do this, I will start off by telling my friends how I like to learn and then when we start to work in groups I will tell them how I like to learn best, this will hopefully help me become more comfortable to tell people how I like to learn