
Monday, 26 February 2018


So far we have looked at and understood:

  1. Pencil sketching of bodies in proportion   PK
  2. History of American superhero comic books UC
  3. Pencil shading PK
  4. What is a workbook page PK
  5. The Treaty of Waitangi UC
  6. Robyn Kahukiwa UC
  7. Kowhaiwhai PK
PK = Practical knowledge UC = Understanding content


moana -
the link is our musical song we are  doing for the musical song

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

What is live performance? when it shown on stage
How is that different to a movie? it's not shown on a TV but on a stage
What is a musical? when there is lots of songs in the show
What different types of musicals are there? lots, movies, shows, cartoons, live performances,
Find musical (youtube links) examples for at least 10 different musicals. Use old and modern musicals.,,,,,,
Do a short biography (find out about them) on two famous musical theatre performers ( one male, one female, could be kids!) Angela Lansbury ( Female ) Oscar Hammerstein II ( Male )

Monday, 19 February 2018

  1. What am I learning? I am learning to do a play and its background.
  2. How does this work show my learning? I write every thing down on a chromebook
  3. What am I wondering? I am wondering how to make a play work.
  4. Ask for feedback and comments from readers. Please leave feedback and comments for me to read and improve this thanks : )

Friday, 16 February 2018

What makes a community work?

What makes a community work?

We can make a community better by…

Working together and listening to other people ideas. Do everything in a team. Help other people in your group if they are stuck. Ask your group for other ideas. Call your team to help you with something ( by call I mean say their name ).

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

what does live mean? they present it in front of you not on a TV screen.

what could go wrong in an a live performance. they can forget there lines.

for the back stage they have to have props and there lines

Monday, 12 February 2018

Reading task

Your Task: Please visit the class site and view the full explanation for the activity under the “Literacy” tab. Click on the Google Slide for Reading.

Use this doc to answer the following questions for THREE texts of your choice from
You must answer in full and complete sentences!

Text 1:

Title of article: Firenado
Date it was published: June 10th 2015
Link to article: Firenado link

Who is the article about?  Firenados
Where does it take place? cattle station in Northern Territory, Australia, in September 2012. Sao Paulo, Brazil,September 2012.

Summarise the article in 2-3 full sentences.
A firenado can reach up to about as tall as a real tornado. When the fire burns it rises because of hot air. It can cause really bad damage to wildlife.

Text 2:

Title of article: Meet the Hickory Horned Devil, a Fierce but Harmless Caterpillar
Date it was published: April 14, 2015
Link to article: caterpillar link

Who is the article about? A caterpillar
Where does it take place? New Jersey

Summarise the article in 2-3 full sentences.
A caterpillar that looks fierce but really harmless even chickens are afraid. Hickory horned devils are a plant eating type and eats vegetables and fruit.

Text 3:

Title of article: Meet the Hippo campus, Where Memories Go to Make Sense
Date it was published: March 7, 2015
Link to article: hippo campus link

Who is the article about? hippo campus
Where does it take place? The brain

Summarise the article in 2-3 full sentences.
The hippo campus is the brain cell to record core memories. It is shaped like a seahorse but brown.

Please tell me in a paragraph which article you liked best and why!
The Hickory Horned Devil caterpillar because if you are scared of chickens you can go near them and they will run away.

Friday, 9 February 2018



how and to be a responsible. Responsible role model and not litter on
the school grounds. Respect others how you want to be treated. Treat
others stuff with respect. Show the way to be. Help others when they
look like they need help. Be ready for for learning and school.
Be dressed in the right uniform. :)